Reseau Entreprendre

Hacking Experience v2.0 by PwC

01 December 2020
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An interactive show that will reveal what’s next in hacking after the malware age

Les cyber attaques sont bien plus nombreuses que vous pouvez l’imagner et sont loin de cibler les sites les plus “geeks”. Nos lauréates de Love, Sweet, etc…, en ont récemment fais les frais.

Nicolas Noël de PwC vous ferra vivre l’expérience Hacking 2.0 de PwC et comprendre les enjeux d’une cyber attaque.

Since 2 years, the Hacking Experience, an interactive hacking demo that simulates a targeted attack, shows our customers how organisations are breached (the modern kill-chain).

With 2.0 we want to answer the most recurring question: what’s next after targeted attacks?

Join the role-playing game, attack our fictitious company and move from malware based to cloud (supply chain) hacking. Our goal is to create real awareness for technical management, providing a level of entertainment that keeps focus on technical principles without dissecting the bits and the bytes. By taking part in the PwC Hacking Experience, we hope to place you in a much better position to critically review the available options when considering security assessments, countermeasures and response by understanding modern attack vectors, helping in maximising the value you gain from the corporate cybersecurity framework.

Video document